Harry Potter fans are sure to love this special workshop at SK Dance Studio, Appley Bridge, Wigan. Join us the day before Xmas Eve – Saturday 23rd December 2017 for a wizarding good time.
We’re so lucky to have professional actor, singer & dancer Claire Learie teach this fabulous musical theatre workshop. Based on Claire’s work in the Harry Potter Frogs’ Choir at Universal Studios, this special workshop is sure to delight, with lots of singing, dancing, acting and of course, wand skills!
We have two sessions to choose from, both of which take place on Saturday 23rd December. The first is at 10am to 11.30am for kids under 8, and the second is at 11.30am to 1.00pm for children aged 8 and over. Contact us today to reserve your child’s place which will be firmed up with your £10 payment in advance. Hurry – places are strictly limited and open to everyone, not just SK Dance pupils. Expelliarmus!
This workshop is instead of our usual Saturday timetable on December 23rd.