Temporary online dance class timetable

Dancers cheering at SK Dance Studio Wigan

As you’ll be aware, SK Dance Studio is temporarily closed due to the social distancing rules around Coronavirus.

It’s a worrying and very strange time for us all right now, with unprecedented disruption to all our routines.  From the outset, Susan has been really keen to ensure dancers have the opportunity to continue both their dance education and their learning routines until we can re-open the dance studio, so wanted to offer a timetable of online classes that students can enjoy from home.

We’re delivering our online dance classes using the Zoom App

Susan and Miss Kimberley have spent the last few weeks testing out the technology and running the first of our online dance classes.  We’re delighted to now announce a weekly schedule of classes for SK Dance Studio dancers to enjoy.  All online classes will be delivered via the Zoom App – which is free to download and use.  You can learn more about using the Zoom App below.

Online dance class timetable now launched – Starting 3rd April 2020

Our temporary online dance class timetable is below.  Classes will be held at the same time every week.  To join a class, you’ll need to download the Zoom App (instructions below) and use the special code we’ll send you.  For security reasons, we’re not publishing the class codes here.  Susan or Kimberley will send you the class code you need directly.  If you don’t receive one, please contact us – it may be because we don’t have up to date contact details for you.

Day Time Class Teacher
Mon 7:30 pm Adult Ballet: Beginners and Improvers.  Also suitable for Grade 2 & 3 ballet pupils Susan
Tues 7:00 pm Students Tap & Modern Kimberley
Tues 7:30 pm Adult Tap: Improvers Susan
Tues 8:30 pm Adult Tap: Advanced Susan
Thurs 7:30 pm Adult Tap: Beginners Susan
Thurs 8:30 pm Free ballet class for Advanced Adult Ballet and Students Susan
Fri 3:00 pm Mummy & Me Ballet Babies Susan
Sat 10:30 am For dancers usual attending our Saturday 10:30 am class Susan
Sat 11:30 am For dancers usual attending our Saturday 11:30 am class Susan
Sat 12:30 pm For dancers usual attending our Saturday 12:30 am class Kimberley
Sat 1:30 pm For dancers usual attending our Saturday 1:30 and 2:30 pm classes (joined together) Kimberley

About Zoom
Before class, you need to download the Zoom app or go to Zoom in your browser on your computer. Once you’ve done this, the easiest way to access your class is to just click on your live class link and it should open you up into the correct class.

Your Zoom control panel
Generally, all participants will be muted (which is so you can hear Susan or Kimberley). During the class if we open up for questions, you will have the option to unmute and share your video. You can control your microphone by clicking on the microphone button on your control panel. If it’s green, it’s on! We can hear you. If you see it’s black and has a red slash through it, it’s muted. On the app, this is at the bottom in the left hand corner. You have the option to share your video too, by clicking on the video camera. It would be very valuable to Susan and Kimberley to be able to see your child dance whilst teaching, just like in class!

This is all very new, not just to you but to our teachers too. So please bear with us if we experience any kinks. It is important to Susan to try and keep some of the children’s normal lives intact while we navigate this crazy situation. They can all still see their dance friends and have some interaction with what they are used to.

Class fees
With the introduction of this online class timetable, we hope you’ll continue your direct debits payment so we can keep our staff and keep the business running until we’re all back on our feet in the dance studio. However we understand that during this time, some families may be struggling. If you find yourself not being able to afford to continue, please do contact us so we can work something out.  Our dance family is so important to us and we’re really grateful for all your support and patience during this time.

Stay safe and take care x


Dancers cheering at SK Dance Studio Wigan

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