When Coronavirus closed our doors back in March, I don’t think any of us expected to be away from the studio and all our dancing friends for so long. Whilst I know it’s not been quite the same, it’s been a privilege for Miss Kimberley and I to continue teaching via online classes. We’ve both been blown away by the positive attitude of our dancers and the support we’ve received from both dancers and their families. Thank you – it’s meant the world.
New safety procedures
Now lockdown measures have eased and children are preparing to return to school, I’m also planning to re-open SK Dance Studio and welcome dancers back to classes in the studio. To do this safely though, we’ve put some new procedures in place which we’ll need everyone to follow. They’re listed below.
Re-registering to return from September
Whilst I’m confident that the specific measures we’re taking, combined with observation of general advice from the Government, will minimise any Coronavirus risk, I do appreciate that not all dancers or parents will yet feel comfortable returning to dance. If this is the case, I absolutely understand. You’re more than welcome to join back at any time you feel comfortable. Just get in touch when you’re ready.
If you are ready to get back to dance and you’d like to return in September, please send us a quick message so we know to expect you. You can message us via our Facebook and Instagram pages, or contact me directly (details for all above).
Temporary timetable – Please check your email
Until we get completely back to normal, we’ll be running a temporary timetable. All adult classes will be broadly at the same time as before lockdown, as will student, street and acro classes. They will just be slightly shorter to accommodate cleaning. However there may be a slight change to your child’s Tuesday ballet or Saturday class time, again with slightly shorter classes to make time for cleaning. I’ll be contacting each family individually to make sure you’re clear on the times
Show update
You’ll know that we were planning our school dance show for July. As we still have no indication of when theatres will be able to re-open, we’re not yet able to reschedule, but will keep you posted.
Thank you again for all you support throughout lockdown. We can’t wait to see all our dancers in the studio and get back to doing what we all love as safely as possible.
Susan x
Important new safety processes
Drop off & pick up
To keep numbers in the building to a minimum, please drop off and collect your child after class. We understand that parents of younger children will prefer to wait and this is absolutely fine, but only on adult per child please. Social distancing should be observed whilst you wait.
One way in and out
Please enter the waiting room via the usual door (round the back of the hall). Children should enter the studio via the internal door. After class, children will leave via the external studio door, where they should be collected. Please note that this area is not covered, so you may need to bring a brolly in bad weather!
Hand hygiene & masks
Hands must be sanitised using the products provided when you enter the building. Dancers need not wear masks, though parents & guardians using the waiting room should wear a mask at all times.
Kitchen & changing room closed
Kitchen facilities will not be accessible, so please ensure dancers and those waiting bring their own drinks. Dancers should come ready for class as the changing room will not be open.
Studio cleaning
The dance studio will be cleaned after each class when floor, barres and any other equipment used will be wiped down. To give time for cleaning, your class will be shorter than usual (i.e one hour classes will be 50 mins). We thank you in advance for your understanding.
Studio spacing for dancers
Our studio is equipped with free standing barres, which means we can configure them to ensure maximum distance between dancers when working at the barre. For centre work, the studio floor has been marked out into two metre squares and younger dancers will be encouraged to stay within them. Older dancers can use the squares to help maintain a 2m distance as they use more of the floor.