On Saturday May 31st 2014, SK Dance Studio took a group of dancers to perform on the huge stage at the 3,000 seater Opera House Theatre in the Winter Gardens complex, Blackpool.
Susan Kielb, principal at SK Dance Studio said “We’re the only dance school in the Wigan area to take part in these prestigious big-theatre productions and are truly honoured to once again have been invited to take part. This fantastic performance opportunity gave our dancers valuable stage experience in one of the largest theatres in the UK. There’s nothing like hearing the thunder of applause from an auditorium of this size to truly inspire dancers and give an enormous sense of achievement”.
SK Dance Studio performed a specially choreographed 42nd Street-inspired routine on the Opera House Theatre Stage, which was packed full of all the razzle, dazzle and explosive tapping that SK Dance is famed for.
We were honoured that the producers asked us to close the show with our routine and it’s safe to say that we brought both the house down and the curtain! “I was bursting with pride” said Susan after the show. “Each and every dancer tapped their heart out on that stage. They all looked gorgeous in their beautiful broadway-style dresses. Another amazing performance of which everyone should be very proud”.